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发布时间:2022-06-07 01:01:01











Hot summer is the best time for photovoltaic power generation, but some grid connected power stations have low power generation efficiency. The operation and maintenance personnel of lingdu Zhiyun found that the reason was that the surface of PV modules had not been cleaned for a long time. A thick layer of dust; Resulting in low power generation efficiency.

Pollution on the glass of photovoltaic modules is one of the main problems that rapidly affect photovoltaic power plants, which will reduce the power generation efficiency.

At present, most photovoltaic power stations use silicon-based solar cell modules, which are very sensitive to temperature. With the accumulation of dust on the surface of the module, the heat transfer and thermal resistance of the PV module will be increased, which will become the insulating layer on the PV module and affect its heat dissipation.

The research shows that the output power will be reduced by about 0.5% when the temperature of the solar cell increases by 1 ° C. In addition, when the battery mold is exposed to the sun for a long time, the covered part heats up much faster than the uncovered part. When the temperature is too high, it will produce scorched black spots.

Under normal lighting conditions, the shaded part of the panel will change from a power generation unit to a power consumption unit, and the photovoltaic cell in the shaded part will become a load resistor that does not generate power, consuming the electric energy generated by the connected battery, that is, generating heat. Hot spot effect.

This process will aggravate the aging of the battery board, reduce the output, and cause the components to burn out in serious cases.

Dust attached to the surface of solar panels will also block, absorb and reflect light, the most important of which is the blocking of light. The reflection, absorption and shielding of light by dust particles affect the absorption of light by photovoltaic panels, thus affecting the efficiency of photovoltaic power generation.

The results show that the dust deposited on the light receiving surface of the panel assembly will first reduce the light transmittance of the panel surface; Secondly, the incident angle of some light will change, resulting in uneven propagation of light in the glass cover. The results show that under the same conditions, the output power of clean solar panel module is at least 5% higher than that of fouling module, and the higher the amount of fouling, the greater the decline of module output performance.

Lingdu Zhiyun has professional operation and maintenance personnel, who can scientifically and accurately select the best cleaning scheme, so as to avoid the loss of power generation efficiency and effectively improve the income of the power station.